
Are you tired of living in pain and continually attending therapy appointments with slight improvement? Does your pain prevent you from participating in the activities you used to love? Has your pain and injury sidelined your professional athletic career?

Reconditioning is a systematic approach to identifying pain and movement dysfunction drivers, then applying a process that provides long-lasting solutions. This process truly empowers you with the tools to build robust movement patterns and resilience in life and sport.

Reconditioning is a commitment. Quick fixes regarding long-standing pain and dysfunction often end with poor results. Undoing months or years of pain and compensation is like a 1000-piece puzzle.

Time, thought, and work is needed. Several layers must be problem solved. This process requires the consistency that Reconditioning memberships offer. Reconditioning memberships combine this more comprehensive approach with expert manual Osteopathy, Athletic Therapy/Training and movement re-training.

